Supervisory Budget Analyst/Accounting Technician

Hiring Path:

• Open to the public

Who May Apply/Clarification From the Agency:

Current Employees of the Mission – This includes U.S. Citizen Eligible Family Members (USEFMs); Eligible Family Members (EFMs); Declared Members of Household (MOHs), dependents of U.S. Personal Services Contract (USPSC) who are assigned under COM – All Agencies


The U.S. Mission in Dar es Salaam is seeking eligible and qualified applicants for the position of Supervisory Budget Analyst/Accounting Technician in the Financial Management Centre.


FINANCIAL PLANNING:  45% The incumbent supervises the budget work for allotments, independently formulating the annual and mid-year budget submissions.  Budgets are submitted in format requirements in the various functional activities under each allotment.  Provides advice on budget submission requirements, including historical performance financial projections and justification for requested resource levels.  Analyzes past fiscal year funding levels to determine new fiscal requirements estimates costs for new program requirements.  Analyzes recurring program costs and monitors non-recurring costs.  Analyzes and tracks exchange rate gains and losses and are responsible for adjusting budgets to reflect dollar differences.  This person prepares budgetary reports on the above allotments as requested by post-management and Washington.

Fully responsible for formulation of annual budgets for all post-held accounts and allotments.  The incumbent uses appropriate software, cable instructions, and guidance from the current Mission Strategic Goals, Mission Resource Request, ICASS Handbook, Foreign Affairs Manual (FAM), and the Foreign Affairs Handbook (FAH), in addition to any institutional/historical data.  When preparing these budgets, incumbent communicates with Senior Post Management and functional officers, as applicable, to obtain information on their anticipated requests/needs/ priorities and any other special issues having an impact on financial resources.  In addition, incumbent analyzes post/economic trends, researches allowances for eligible employees, and projects estimated out-year cost implications due to documented anticipated wage/price increases, anticipated/approved changes in Embassy operations (e.g. mission growth), and unfunded priorities.

During the fiscal year, incumbent monitors proposed budgeted amounts against actual costs and monitors unanticipated spending trends.  On a monthly basis or more frequently, prepares summary worksheets for all three allotments to keep other agency management officials abreast of their financial situation.

ACCOUNTING:  55% With collaboration of staff, the incumbent ensures that allotments provided by Washington are controlled and executed within funding limitations.  Ensures that accurate and complete fiscal data is recorded on all funding requests.  Ensures availability of funds, after analyzing and reviewing the Global Financial Services (GFS) accounting reports, COAST reports, and subsidiary accounting ledgers. This includes ensuring obligations exist prior to initiating payment and making adjustments to obligations after reviewing 60 and 62 reports. Monitors and analyzes apparent trends in obligations, in anticipation of reprogramming requirements. Proposes plans for minor reprogramming when deviations from original budget estimates are necessary because of significant changes in operating programs. Periodically reconciles accounting records and confirms the accuracy of obligations and expenditures against financial plans.

Incumbent ensures that each obligation is valid, accurate, complete, and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and confirms that all applicable liquidations to these obligations remain legal and within the allotted amount.  In so doing, the incumbents keeps in mind various laws, specifically the anti-deficiency law.  Reconciles 60 and 62 reports routinely to ensure liquidations do not exceed obligations and that allotments are not exceeded in violation of the Anti-Deficiency Act.  Develops and prepares official monthly, quarterly and annual reports by allotment and sub-object status using 60 and 62 reports to ensure funds are in balance with GFS accounting records.  Takes corrective action immediately when errors are discovered.  Periodically reconciles accounting records and confirms the accuracy of obligations and expenditures against financial plans.

On daily basis, the incumbent monitor's post-held accounts in COAST, and on a weekly basis, reconcile the 60 and 62 reports.  On a monthly/quarterly basis, reviews all prior year and current year open unliquidated obligations to ensure they are still valid and thereby take necessary action.

Qualifications and Evaluations


Three years of progressively responsible experience in finance, budget, accounting, or auditing is required. At least one year of supervisory experience is required.

Education Requirements:

Education: Completion of a bachelor’s degree in accounting, finance, or business administration.


Language: Fluent (reading, speaking, and writing) in English is required and Fluent (reading, speaking, and writing) in Kiswahili is required. “This may be tested”

EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY (EEO):  The U.S. Mission provides equal opportunity and fair and equitable treatment in employment to all people without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, political affiliation, marital status, or sexual orientation.


All applicants under consideration will be required to pass medical and security certifications.

How to Apply:

To apply for this position, applicants MUST apply electronically via ERA.

For more information, visit this link

Required Documents:

To qualify based on education, you MUST submit the requested degree and / or transcripts as verification of educational requirement by the closing date of this announcement. Failure to provide requested information, or the information is insufficient to verify eligibility, may result in disqualification for this position.

All Applicants:

• Completion of a bachelor’s degree in accounting, finance, or business administration – Certificate

• Proof of Citizenship

• National ID copy

• Other Document

• Other Document 2


Eligible Family Member Applicants:

• Copy of Sponsor’s Orders/Assignment Notification (or equivalent)

• Passport copy

• DD-214 – Member Copy 4, Letter from Veterans’ Affairs, or other supporting documentation (if applicable)

• SF-50 (if applicable)



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